Embracing Renewal: Ildiko's Artist Residency Experience

Ildiko is excited to share with you all a significant chapter in her artistic journey: Ildiko's recent two-week artist residency at Ignite Studios . This experience holds profound meaning for her, particularly in light of the challenges she faced since the Lismore 2022 flood, which led to the loss of her studio, art materials, and work.

During these two weeks, Ildiko immersed herself fully in her art practice, dedicating each day to painting exercises, portrait sketches, and exploration. It was a chance for Ildiko to reconnect with her creative spirit after a four-year hiatus from painting.

Ildiko is immensely grateful for the support and guidance provided by Ella Millard and Imbi Davidson from the Northern Rivers Community Gallery. Their encouragement and belief in her artistic journey were invaluable, and Ildiko is deeply appreciative of the opportunity they provided.

This residency was not just about creating art; it was about embracing renewal and giving Ildiko permission to focus on her career and dreams. It was a liberating experience, and she is thankful for every moment of it. Ildiko encourages fellow artists to consider immersing themselves fully in their art practice, even if just for a dedicated period. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth that she believes every artist should experience.

As Ildiko reflects on this transformative experience, she is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to rediscover her passion for painting and to continue pursuing her artistic endeavors with renewed vigor. 

Lismore Flood 2022

Ildiko faced significant challenges in the aftermath of the catastrophic February flood in Lismore, NSW, Australia in 2022, losing both her residence of 20 years and her home studio. This unfortunate event rendered her family, including her husband and two daughters, homeless overnight and resulted in the loss of her artistic practice.

In the wake of the flood, Ildiko's primary focus has been on securing and establishing a new family residence. Additionally, she has been dedicated to ensuring the well-being of her eldest daughter, who has Angelman's Syndrome, by facilitating the setup of essential disability supports.

We are pleased to share the recent development that Ildiko and her family have successfully transitioned into their new home. With the settling process underway, Ildiko is poised to re-establish her home studio and resume her artistic endeavors. The forthcoming revival of her painting practice signifies a positive step forward for Ildiko and her family as they rebuild their lives after the challenging events they have faced.

The images presented here depict Ildiko's studio in the aftermath of the February 2022 flood in Lismore. The visuals illustrate the inundation of Ildiko's two-story residence, with the water level reaching the upper living area, submerging her studio. Ildiko and her family evacuated their home amidst floodwaters in the early hours of the morning, during low visibility conditions. The images additionally portray the severe impact of the flood on Ildiko's studio, signifying the devastation wrought by the natural disaster. Regrettably, the flood resulted in the complete loss of her entire artistic practice.


Ildiko wishes to express her gratitude to the following Australian art organisations that have provided financial assistance in the replacement of art materials and equipment lost during the flood. While progress has been made, there remains a considerable journey ahead in the process of reestablishing her studio.

Recipient of NAVA Artist's Benevolent Fund
Recipient of  Still @ the Centre Gift Voucher
Recipient of  Arts Northern Rivers Rapid Response Flood Support

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